Richard Oey

How to declare function in JavaScript Object ?

Created February 11, 2022

Function is an essential building block in JavaScript. The purpose of using function is the same as defining procedure - a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value. Moreover, a procedure is qualified as a function if it takes some input and returns a corresponding output.

In order to declare a function,function expression should be followed by:

  1. the name of the function,
  2. a list of parameters to the function (enclosed in parantheses and separated by commas),
  3. the JavaScript statements that define the function, enclosed in curly brackets, {...}

Below is the example of function named add

function add (num1, num2) { 
	return num1 + num2; 

In 2015, ES6 comes to bring new handy approach, so called arrow function which a compact alternative compared to traditional functionexpression. Above addfunction could be converted as below

const add = (num1, num2) ⇒ {
	return num1 + num2;

// you can remove parentheses and return keyword
// more concise function will be like below
const add = (num1, num2) ⇒ num1 + num2;

However, arrow function has also several limitation and can’t be used in all situations:

  1. Does not have its own bindings to this or super, and should not be used as methods.
  2. Does not have keyword.
  3. Not suitable for call, apply, and bind methods, which generally rely on establishing a scope.
  4. Can not be used as constructors.
  5. Can not use yield, within its body.

According to the first limitation, arrow function is not suited for non-methods functions. JavaScript can define a method inside an object.

Below is the example of staffobject with sayName method.

let staff = {
	name: 'Staff One',
	sayName: function() {
		console.log(`My name is ${}`)

staff.sayName() // prints 'My name is Staff One' in your console

It’s intriguing to use the arrow function and replace the function() with () => .

let staff = {
	name: 'Staff One',
	sayName: () => {
		console.log(`My name is ${}`)

staff.sayName() // prints 'My name is undefined' in your console

However, arrow function doesn’t have bindings to this, and it makes staff.sayName() will print My name is undefined because the can’t be referred to

Furthermore, in order to define a method inside JavaScript object, is to use traditional function expression that can be defined as:

let staff = {
	name: 'Staff One',
	sayName: function() {
		console.log(`My name is ${}`)

staff.sayName() // prints 'My name is Staff One' in your console


let staff = {
	name: 'Staff One',
	sayName() {
		console.log(`My name is ${}`)

staff.sayName() // prints 'My name is Staff One' in your console

Both of them, is eligible to be called by staff.sayName() and it will produce the right output.


To sum up, the arrow function deliver more concise and handy alternative to declare a function. However, we also need to be aware with the limitation it brings and use it in the right way.