Hi there! my name is Richard, an Indonesian and currently living in Taiwan. I like to create web application and using Angular, Vue, .Net, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server as the techstack recently.
October 30, 2022 Introduction In web development, asynchronous (aka, async) operation, such as API calling is inevitable for developer to not work with, and the basic foundation knowledge we need to know is Promise. P...
September 18, 2022 Introduction CSS Specificity is one of the fundamentals concept in CSS. The first thing programmer usually learns in CSS is class and inline-style, but do you already understand how if we have both of...
August 17, 2022 Introduction The amount of code increases as the complexity and business logics grows. Developer needs to think how to maintain and organize the files so it will be clear and easy to read. One approac...
February 11, 2022 Function is an essential building block in JavaScript. The purpose of using function is the same as defining procedure - a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value. Moreover, a pro...